Do you have an IT question or comment to share with the Lab community? Ask IT is a new Q&A column we’re piloting to refine IT services and encourage engagement.
- Are we allowed to agree to the terms and conditions with enabling Google Analytics for our Lab websites?
- ANSWER 1: IT Policy has concluded that Google Analytics, less the targeted tracking, is acceptable and covered by the existing UC privacy and Berkeley Lab Terms and Conditions. For help with analytics, contact Creative Services.
- We’re holding a virtual meeting and need all poster session participants, most of whom are not Lab employees or affiliates, to turn in their posters to us ahead of time. I created a Google Form but why is the “File Upload” question unavailable?
- ANSWER 2: The File Upload option is not currently available for forms located in a Shared Drive. Move the form to My Drive to enable the ability to upload files. A shortcut to the response folder can be added to a Shared Drive if needed. Once the form is closed, it can be stored in a Shared Drive. Consider joining the Google Users Group for more tips and peer advice.
- ANSWER 2: The File Upload option is not currently available for forms located in a Shared Drive. Move the form to My Drive to enable the ability to upload files. A shortcut to the response folder can be added to a Shared Drive if needed. Once the form is closed, it can be stored in a Shared Drive. Consider joining the Google Users Group for more tips and peer advice.