On August 10 the federated access that we have to the Burton IT1 research on burtongroup.com will end. The Burton Site is being retired.
To access the Burton IT1 research we are entitled to on the new Gartner site, you will need to select the following *link *where you will be directed to the IT1 research on gartner.com. Since this is a federated link, you will not need a username or password to access the research.
The first time you go to the new Burton IT1 site on gartner.com, you will be asked to select a role/function. Select the role/function best suited to your current responsibility. This does not affect the research to which you have access, you will have the ability to search and open any research related to the Burton IT1 research.
The new Burton IT1 site on gartner.com will now allow you to utilize the benefits of the My Gartner portal where you can personalize your research experience. You will have improved search capabilities and library capabilities to help you find and organize your research. We do ask that you do not modify your username or password in the My Profiles section as this will affect your federated access.
Known Issues
In the past:
1. Users went to burtongroup.com, either clicked a restricted link or went to the client login page, and they were automatically sent to LBL to authenticate. (clicking on a restricted link sent the user to the client login page.) If a user attempted to login with their email address, Burton recognized it as a federated domain, and sent them to us instead.
2. If users were emailed a link (or clicked on the full-text links in the email), they would end up just as above, back at the client login page.
Doc links from emails will work if the user’s logged in. The documents won’t automatically redirect to any given auto-reg or FED-ID endpoint.
3. Any email Alerts that you were getting through Burton will not be transferred to Gartner. You will have to go to the Gartner site and subscribe to the ones that interest you.
Webinar Schedule
Below are times and links of webinars that are currently scheduled to help you better understand the functionality of the new Burton IT1 site on gartner.com.
If you have any issues authenticating or accessing the Burton IT1 site on gartner.com, please contact the
IT help desk at help.lbl.gov.