Update: 6/26/14
Wireless access points at LBL that support eduroam include 33, 50E, 50F, 65,70, 70A, 65A, 65B, 88, 90 & 90 trailers. The current list of buildings with this support can be found at the Wireless – Upgraded page.
We have begun initial testing of our EDUROAM wireless implementation and invite lab employees who have an interest to try it out.
Eduroam (education roaming) is the secure wireless access service developed for the international research and education community. We have started to make this available to travelers who come to the lab (Bldg 50F was our first installation – and future growth depends on the modernization of our wireless infrastructure which is in progress). The primary reason we decided to pursue this project is because of the advantage it gives our employees when on travel – eduroam has been installed all over the world (54 countries according the eduroam web site). When a lab laptop or mobile device is configured (see our faq), accessing eduroam will result in an authentication against the labs enterprise directory – no matter which eduroam site you may be at.
The SSID for LBL’s test implementation is eduroam. This network is currently in test mode as of 6/11/14 with limited availability in the IT space in Building 50 F. The IT Networking Group will expand this network once the planning stage is complete. The next set of buildings will include 50E, 65, 65a, 70, 88 and 90 (in late June)
The LBL FAQ on our implementation is here.
Eduroam’s web site is at eduroam.org
Wikipedia’s summary can be found here.