ScienceIT at Berkeley Lab has partnered with D-Lab to offer our workshops to you. Following is a list of upcoming workshops on Python, R Programming, and Qualitrics. To register for the workshops listed below, click on the link below to read the description, and then click the link to register via the partner portal for your organization. While we are featuring January workshops, check out the upcoming trainings in February and March as well.
If you cannot attend the workshop live, you can receive a recording of it via email 24-48 hours with a recording of the workshop after the workshop (or workshop series) has completed as long as you register ahead of time.
Following is a list of the March workshops:
Python Data Visualization: Parts 1-2
April 1, 2025
For this workshop, we’ll provide an introduction to visualization with Python. We’ll cover visualization theory and plotting with Matplotlib and Seaborn, working through examples in a Jupyter notebook.
Python Data Visualization: Parts 1-2
April 7, 2025
For this workshop, we’ll provide an introduction to visualization with Python. We’ll cover visualization theory and plotting with Matplotlib and Seaborn, working through examples in a Jupyter notebook.
Digital Humanities Working Group (April 2025)
April 7, 2025
The UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Working Group is a research community founded to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations in the digital humanities and cultural analytics. Our gatherings are participant driven and provide a place for sharing research ideas (including brainstorming new ideas…
R Data Wrangling and Manipulation: Parts 1-2
April 7, 2025
It is said that 80% of data analysis is spent on the process of cleaning and preparing the data for exploration, visualization, and analysis. This R workshop will introduce the dplyr and tidyr packages to make data wrangling and manipulation easier. Participants will learn how to use these packages…
Python Machine Learning Fundamentals: Parts 1-2
April 8, 2025
This workshop introduces students to scikit-learn, the popular machine learning library in Python, as well as the auto-ML library built on top of scikit-learn, TPOT. The focus will be on scikit-learn syntax and available tools to apply machine learning algorithms to datasets. No theory instruction…
R Data Wrangling and Manipulation: Parts 1-2
April 22, 2025
It is said that 80% of data analysis is spent on the process of cleaning and preparing the data for exploration, visualization, and analysis. This R workshop will introduce the dplyr and tidyr packages to make data wrangling and manipulation easier. Participants will learn how to use these packages…