ScienceIT at Berkeley Lab has partnered with D-Lab to offer our workshops to you. Following is a list of upcoming workshops on Python, R Programming, and Qualitrics. To register for the workshops listed below, click on the link below to read the description, and then click the link to register via the partner portal for your organization. While we are featuring January workshops, check out the upcoming trainings in February and March as well.
If you cannot attend the workshop live, you can receive a recording of it via email 24-48 hours with a recording of the workshop after the workshop (or workshop series) has completed as long as you register ahead of time.
Following is a list of the March workshops:
Python Web APIs
March 3, 2025
In this workshop, we cover how to extract data from the web with APIs using Python. APIs are often official services offered by companies and other entities, which allow you to directly query their servers in order to retrieve their data. Platforms like The New York Times, Twitter and Reddit offer…
Digital Humanities Working Group (March 2025)
March 3, 2025
The UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Working Group is a research community founded to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations in the digital humanities and cultural analytics. Our gatherings are participant driven and provide a place for sharing research ideas (including brainstorming new ideas…
Excel Data Analysis: Introduction
March 3, 2025
This is a three-hour introductory workshop that will provide an overview of Excel, with no prior experience assumed. Attendees will learn how to use functions for handling data and making calculations, how to build charts and pivot tables, and more.
Python Geospatial Fundamentals: Parts 1-2
March 4, 2025
Geospatial data are an important component of data visualization and analysis in the social sciences, humanities, and elsewhere. The Python programming language is a great platform for exploring these data and integrating them into your research.
Python Deep Learning
March 4, 2025
In this workshop, we will convey the basics of deep learning in Python using keras on image datasets. You will gain a conceptual grasp of deep learning, work with example code that they can modify, and learn about resources for further study.
Python Web Scraping
March 5, 2025
In this workshop, we cover how to scrape data from the web using Python. Web scraping involves downloading a webpage’s source code and sifting through the material to extract desired data.
Qualtrics Fundamentals
March 5, 2025
Qualtrics is a powerful online tool available to Berkeley community members that can be used for a range of data collection activities. Primarily, Qualtrics is designed to make web surveys easy to write, test, and implement, but the software can be used for data entry, training, quality control,…
Excel Data Analysis: Charts, Pivot Tables, and VLOOKUP
March 7, 2025
This three-hour workshop will cover charts in more detail, review pivot tables, and the widely-used VLOOKUP function. We recommend first taking the introductory workshop Excel Data Analysis: Introduction.
R Census Data Fundamentals
March 10, 2025
In this workshop, we provide an overview of conducting U.S. Census data analysis and visualization in R. First, we’ll cover the basic concepts of U.S. Census Data. Then, we’ll demonstrate how to call the census data API directly from R by using the R tidycensus package.
Python Fundamentals: Parts 4-6
March 11, 2025
This three-part interactive workshop series teaches you intermediate programming Python for people with previous programming experience equivalent to our Python Fundamentals: Parts 1-3 workshop. By the end of the series, you will be able to apply your knowledge of basic principles of programming…
Python Text Analysis: Parts 1-3
March 17, 2025
This three-part workshop will prepare participants to move forward with research that uses text analysis, with a special focus on social science applications. We explore fundamental approaches to applying computational methods to text in Python. We cover some of the major packages used in natural…
R Data Visualization
March 31, 2025
This workshop will provide an introduction to graphics in R with ggplot2. Participants will learn how to construct, customize, and export a variety of plot types in order to visualize relationships in data. We will also explore the basic grammar of graphics, including the aesthetics and geometry…