Current students, faculty, and staff affiliated with the university may be issued a CalNet ID. The CalNet ID is a user’s username used with their CalNet passphrase, to log into many web-based campus services.
LBNL Employee
If you are NOT a postdoc fill out the following form:
Employee/Affiliate form:
LBL Employee CalNet Request Form
POSTDOCS DO NOT FILL OUT THIS FORM. Contact your department’s CSS HR partners on UCB campus.
- There is a $35 fee for new Employee/Affiliate CalNet IDs.
- Your request will be entered based on Help Desk availability and load. It could take up to 10 business days.
- To activate your account, go here.
- Your CalNet ID is good for one year and must be renewed annually. UCB DOES NOT send out expiration notices.
- LBL cannot reset passphrases, you will need to contact
LBNL Postdoc
Postdocs need to contact their department’s CSS HR partners on UCB campus.
You are considered a Postdoc only if you meet all three of these criteria:
- You are not paid by UCB.
- You have a formal, recognized postdoc position either at LBNL or another institution but you are located at LBNL.
- You are “sponsored” by a UCB Faculty Member, meaning that the UCB Faculty Member works with you in your postdoc role – that is, you could be called a “UCB Faculty Sponsored Postdoc”.