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Text and Data Mining (TDM)
Popular/New Databases
- Protocols.io: A repository of shared protocols submitted by researchers.
- Sciwheel: A citation management software that offers the usual citation management tools, including organizing references, sharing citations with colleagues, reading and annotating full text, and easily inserting citations into documents.
- Pharos : Provides resources to assess human and environmental health hazards of chemicals and building materials, plus tools to collaborate to find safer alternatives. The goal of this effort is to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals and improve the inherent safety of materials and products. If you have an @lbl.gov or @berkeley.edu email addresses, you can register at https://pharosproject.net/register-invited to be automatically added to the Lab’s subscription. If they have a different email domain, contact library@lbl.gov and we will add you to the subscription.
- Knovel: An extensive, searchable online library of full-text content from many different publishers, including reference handbooks, conference proceedings and databases, delivering trusted, accessible and relevant answers and insights to accelerate foundational engineering knowledge, and build expertise in various subjects. Knovel also provides tools to bring this content into your workflow, with tables and graphs that allow users to manipulate, analyze, and export data—and an extensive unit conversion tool.
- Cambridge Structural Database (WebCSD) records bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for organic molecules and metal-organic compounds whose 3D structures have been determined using X-ray and/or neutron diffraction.
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science: The ORE of Climate Science is a dynamic, scholarly, and up-to-date reference work. It covers physical sciences, social sciences, and policy approaches to the study of climate.
- Google Dataset Search: Dataset Search lets you find datasets wherever they’re hosted, whether it’s a publisher’s site, a digital library, or an author’s personal web page.
- SpectraBase: With hundreds of thousands of free spectra available, Bio-Rad’s SpectraBase is an excellent resource for those wanting to look up NMR, IR, Raman, UV-Vis, and mass spectra by chemical name, synonym, CAS Registry Number, or InChIKey. Users can zoom in on the spectra and upload and overlay their own spectrum for comparison.
- govinfo: The Government Publishing Office (GPO) provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. n addition to providing an advanced, metadata-powered search experience, govinfo also includes a content management system and a standards-compliant preservation repository.
- Reaxys is recommended for obtaining checked physico-chemical data and preparation/reaction methods for pure compounds, and especially for its near-comprehensive coverage of pre-1960 organic literature. Contains literature references in Beilstein and Gmelin going back to the 18th century. Reaxys is updated monthly.
- ChemRriv™Beta: ChemRxiv, a new chemistry preprint server for the global chemistry community, is now available in a fully functioning Beta version for use and feedback by researchers. The Beta launch has been undertaken with initial strategic input from the American Chemical Society (ACS), Royal Society of Chemistry, German Chemical Society and other not-for profit organizations, as well as other scientific publishers and preprint services. The free-of-charge service is managed on behalf of the chemical science community by ACS and is powered by Figshare, an online digital repository for academic research. Harnessing Figshare’s new preprint capabilities, ChemRxiv will facilitate the rapid and open dissemination of important scientific findings.
- BioCyc is a comprehensive resource for data on genes, metabolites, and metabolic pathways for more than 7,600 microbes and other species. BioCyc provides access to data in over 9,000 individual databases, and also provides a comprehensive set of informatics tools for data query, visualization and analysis.
- SciVal: SciVal is a set of integrated modules that enables your institution to make evidence-based strategic decisions. (You will need to register to access the database.)
- Scopus: Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. (1960 – present)
- bioRxiv: A free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- Web of Science: indexes most science journals (1900 – present). To learn more, see Tutorials .
- INSPEC (Engineering Village): Engineering and Materials Science (1898 – present). .
- JCR (Journal Citation Reports): measures research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals.
- SciFinder Scholar (Use this link to register for SciFinder) excels with its more thorough coverage of literature and patents from 1967 forward, its comprehensive registration of all types of chemical compounds, polymers, and mixtures, and coverage of organic reactions after 1985. CAS also scans far more source journals than either Beilstein or Gmelin (over 9,000), indexes new material more rapidly, and is updated daily.

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