Please complete the following steps when requesting an OSTI ID and/or an LBNL Report Number for your CRADA Final Report. Note that CRADAs are handled by SPO and more details can be found on their internal site.
- Download your CRADA Final Report Form from the CRADA Final Report Templates for Downloading Folder. If your CRADA Final Report contains any Subject Inventions or software developed under the CRADA please contact IPO before requesting an OSTI ID or LBNL Report #. The Final Report should be reviewed by all CRADA partners for consensus, so be sure to allow time for this.
- Fill out this form to request an LBNL Number for your Report.
- Complete your DOE required deliverable by uploading the CRADA Final Report (with LBNL Report Number) as an attachment in eSRA. The Publications Office will submit the report to OSTI and provide the OSTI ID for completion. Protected CRADA information and/or embargoes on the release of the report should be communicated to SPO before submission for an OSTI ID.