HPC Services consultant Krishna Muriki and systems engineer Karen Fernsler will be presenting at GlobusWorld 2014 on April 15-17, 2014 at Argonne National Laboratory. The main theme of this year’s conference is Setting Up a Campus Data Service since many campus IT professionals are charged with creating a flexible, highly-available service for moving data to, from, and within their campus. This year’s agenda includes tutorials, presentations, and opportunities to engage with the Globus team and our partners, to help service providers design and implement a solution that meets their institution’s needs.
Their talk “Globus for Big Data and Science Gateways at LBL” will highlight some of our projects, including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III and the X-Ray Diffraction and Microtomography Beamlines at the Advanced Light Source user facility, which benefit from the implementation of Globus endpoints to construct Data Pipelines. They will also discuss how we chose to implement a Science Gateway for the LBNL Molecular Foundry Nanoscience Center.