- Check out items from the LBNL Library
- Check out items from UCB Libraries
- Circulation Policy
- Retiree Privileges
Check out items from the LBNL Library
- LBNL ID number: Only your LBNL ID number is required to checkout books and other materials. No library card is needed.
Check out items from UCB Libraries
- LBNL ID Badge: Your LBNL ID badge is required for you to be able to check out materials from the UCB Libraries. Just knowing your ID number is not enough as UCB staff are not allowed to type in your data, it must be scanned. If your badge can’t be scanned due to a defect in the badge itself, you will need to get a new LBNL ID badge before you try to check out items again.
- Email Address: UCB Libraries only communicate with patrons via email, so an email address is required. Not everyone at LBNL has an lbl.gov email account. (These are automatically loaded into your UCB account by LBNL and are uploaded into the UCB system once a week.) You can not checkout items from the UCB Libraries until an email address is available in the system.
You have two options in order to get a active email address added to your account, thus unblocking your account.
- The quickest would be to either go to the Doe Library Privileges Desk or call 510-642-3403 (preferable) to provide an active email address. Your account will become active and you will be able to check out books.
- Your other option would be to get an LBNL email account. Contact the IT Help Desk at help@lbl.gov for assistance.
- Once you have a LBNL email address, you can contact the Privileges Desk or you can contact the LBNL library at library@lbl.gov. We will contact the UCB Privileges Desk by the next business day to get the email address added to your UCB account.
- Keep in mind that it generally takes up to 24 hours to set up a LBNL email address. The UCB Privileges Desk is open Monday through Friday, 1:00-4:45 p.m., so we can only get an email address added during those times.
Circulation Policy
As the LBNL Library has combined with the University of California – Berkeley Libraries, we have also adopted their circulation policies. This will change the LBNL Library checkout time from 60 days to 30 days. While this is a shorter time period, you will be able to renew your books online 11 times before you will be required to return the books to the lending library.
Loan periods and due dates vary among the UCB campus libraries. It is the borrowers responsibility to note the due dates for materials and to return or renew them by those dates. See below as to how to see a list of the items you currently have checked out from UC Libraries. It is also the starting point for renewing materials. Please familiarize yourself with the circulation policies of each library from which you borrow.
Renew Books
The LBNL Library is now using the UC Berkeley catalog system, UC Library Search. You are able to renew your books online rather than having to bring them back to the LBNL Library to renew.
The URL for UC Library Search is: https://search.library.berkeley.edu/discovery/search?vid=01UCS_BER:UCB
- To log on, go to the upper right hand corner of the page and select Sign In. This should take you to a Login in to your Library account page.
- Select the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Login link at the bottom of the column.
- If you are already logged into your computer, you may be automatically logged in. If not, login using your LBNL Identity username and password.
- This should bring up a search screen with your name in the upper right hand corner.
- Click on your name to bring up a drop down menu. Select Library Account.
- This should bring up a screen with Loans, Requests, Fines + Fees, Blocks + Messages, and Personal Details.
- Click on Loans to see all the items you have checked out. (Ignore the indicated pickup location. That is the home location for the item.) If the item is renewable, you can do that here. (If the catalog indicates that the item can not be renewed, please contact the LBNL Library at library@lbl.gov to see if we can renew it for you.)
For items with a month checkout, you can renew up to 11 times, for a total of one year, before you need to return the item to the LBNL Library, which you can check out again if no one else has requested it.
For more information, go to UCB Library Get Help.
Return Library Books
The main Library pickup/return shelf has moved and is currently located in the LBNL IT Division Office in building 50B, second floor just beyond the door to 50B-2231. (Turn left as you exit the elevator.) You can return library books: LBNL, UCB or InterLibrary Loans, to this drop box, or you can return them to a campus library if that is more convenient. We will make sure that they get to the correct destination as quickly as staffing allows.
Materials damaged or incomplete should be brought immediately to the owning library circulation desk to discuss repair or replacement options that may be available.
Billing, Blocks and Payments
LBNL Retiree Privileges
- Retirees who are still active affiliates receive all regular affiliate benefits, including borrowing privileges, Interlibrary Loan, and remote access.
- Ex-staff who are not official “retirees” or affiliates are not eligible for any services.
Retirees who are not affiliates receive library services as outlined below:
- Check out up to 20 items at a time (UCB, LBNL or combination)
- Access to UCB electronic resources only when on the UCB campus (no remote access)
But will not have access to:
- Any InterLibrary Loan at UCB nor LBNL.
- Any LBNL access-only electronic resources. (This applies on-site as well: no LDAP, no access.)
Before checking out anything from UCB/LBNL Libraries, LBNL retirees must obtain a retirement card at the UC Berkeley Retirement Center (retirement.berkeley.edu; 510.642.5461; 100 University Hall). A California State ID (driver license or ID card) or proof of current residency is needed in order to obtain this blue library card. They will need to present their UC Retirement Center card at the Privileges Desk, Doe Library, floor 1 to obtain a borrowing card for the UCB Libraries.
LBNL retirees privileges are NOT the same as for UCB retirees. They are able to check out up to 20 items at a time but can not use UCB ILL or Baker services.
The cards DO NOT provide remote online access. All UCB electronic access can occur on the UCB campus, only. LBNL-only electronic resources can not be accessed.

Request Support
For further assistance, open a ticket with the IT Help Desk.