Today we’re announcing a new program called Apps4Science. We’re looking to the Laboratory community to help share their expertise about the best mobile applications for scientific researchers. Whether it’s helping to organize journal research and citations, take laboratory notes, or even gather data, mobile apps have the potential to transform many aspects of Laboratory life.
We’re inviting the Laboratory community to share their favorite mobile apps for science with our community. Just drop us a line at Tell us 1. The App 2. Why you like it. and 3. Where to get it and which platforms it’s available on. We’ll publish your entries on blog posts on the IT website.
In addition to the satisfaction that comes from sharing your expertise with your colleagues and the fame inherent in being published on the IT website, we’ll send a (not paid for by government money) treat to everyone whose work we publish.
Finally, if you’re particularly interested in tablet apps, we have a first generation ipad (wifi only) to loan out – we’ll give it to you for a month *and* pay for a reasonable number of science-centered apps IF you, in turn, promise to blog weekly during that month on what you’ve been doing with it. Drop us a line at and tell us why you’d be a good blogger.
We’ll be sharing more apps4science at our first tech petting zoo in mid-May. More information about that later.