It’s a busy season for staff opting to retire. Be cautious about unauthorized financial adviser solicitations claiming to provide consultation for retirement or pension benefits. Misleading messages delivered through email and phone calls have recently been reported by University of California (UC) retirees and Berkeley Lab employees. Carefully assess all unexpected requests before acting.
The email below is an example of a message sent to a Berkeley Lab employee. Notice the sender uses a generic email address @gmail.com, mentions “free” consultation, and warns that appointments are filling up quickly. This is not an unauthorized adviser.
UC holds an exclusive contract with Fidelity Investments for all financial guidance services and are always available to meet in person or over the phone. Staff can contact a UC workplace financial consultant at 1-800-558-9182 or make an appointment at getguidance.fidelity.com/universityofcalifornia. Tip: Enter University of California for employer name when searching for a meeting time.
Diligent research is recommended when an external investment adviser is preferred. Read an adviser’s “Form ADV”, which registered investment advisers (RIA) must complete and file with the Securities and Exchange Commission and/or state securities regulators. View an adviser’s most recent Form ADV online by visiting adviserinfo.sec.gov, an official US Government site.
Additionally, the UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) recently partnered with Call Experts, a trusted UC vendor that delivers call center support. Prospective retirees will receive legitimate return calls if they request a callback through RASC at 1-800-888-8267 along with proactive outreach and updates on their retirement status.
Recommended Actions
Contact the Cyber Security group at security@lbl.gov if you’re unsure about the validity of a message or to report a suspected security incident. Email help@lbl.gov to open a ticket for other IT related questions.