Telephone Services is pleased to announce a new voicemail service coming May 20, 2024 called Avaya Messaging. Your new voicemail service provides a web access portal for managing messages and voicemail settings for Lab phones online and a new feature that allows callers to reach you by defining … [Read more...] about Avaya Messaging, New Voicemail Coming May 20
Use your Lab phone number on a computer and smartphone
The Avaya Workplace soft phone app uses your Lab phone number on a smartphone or computer. The app complements your smartphone, giving you more flexibility and functionality in controlling your personal and work calls. There is no additional cost for existing Lab phone numbers. Here are some … [Read more...] about Use your Lab phone number on a computer and smartphone
Savings on IT Services
By Arica Chhay, Jeff D'Ambrogia, Richard Gregory Enterprise ChallengesCollaboration ServicesScientific Computing ServicesTelecommunications ServicesWhat’s Coming Next Berkeley Lab is one of three national laboratories governed by both the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Regents of … [Read more...] about Savings on IT Services
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