By Tammera E Campbell on 2018-12-04T20:44:11Z
Apple recently announced that there are a limited number of 13-inch MacBook Pro (non-Touch Bar) laptops from 2017 and 2018 that have defective 128GB or 256GB solid-state drives. Apple suggests that to avoid data loss, these drives be replaced as soon as possible. They have a website to determine if your laptop is affected, see 13-inch MacBook Pro (non Touch Bar) Solid-State Drive Service Program. Enter your serial number to see if the laptop requires repair.
If Apple’s website indicates that your system is affected, IT User Support recommends that you do the following:
- Ensure that you have a backup of your computer. We recommend using Berkeley Lab IT’s enterprise backup solution, Druva inSync, but there are other options available.
- Entering a help ticket by clicking here: REQUEST HELP. Berkeley Lab IT has a contract with an authorized Apple repair service. There will be no charge for the repair, but there may be some charges for the procurement and shipping.
- Alternatively, you can take your system to an Apple Store location to get it repaired at no cost. A Genius Bar appointment is required.
- If a loaner computer is needed while your laptop is being repaired, please indicate this in your help request.